5 Tips for Beginner Art Journalers
So you probably have a lot of questions. So in this post I want to give a few Tiff Tips, that I’ve learned along the way.
First and foremost you don’t need all the things——>Yes I know they are pretty and you think you need them, but in reality you don’t and when we have a lot of things it can be overwhelming.
My 5 Tips:
1- Find a journal, so for the first timers I recommend either using a altered book (which happens to be my very first or a store bought journal) I support working in multiple journal HOWEVER for first timers that maybe overwhelming so start with ONE. Things to look for in a journal. One the size is important. The paper weight is also important.
2- Purchase a gluestick, some paints (if you want to paint if not collage papers) Pencil and paintbrushes.
3- You can make your own stencils (I will link you to a video playlsit)
4- If you do instagram follow my #Tiffmademedoit and also follow me for inspiration and tips.
5- Be observed of what you like. You will notice colors you gravitate to and some you don’t those are the only colors you need.
Below you will find a playlist of easy ways to get started in your journal.
P.s. I have over 425 FREE Youtube Tutorials.