What to do when you don't wanna show up...

Do you ever have moments when you think, I sure don’t wanna go in the art room and play. I know I need to but I don’t wanna! See I believe creative flow is about continuing to show up even when you’re not feeling it, why? Because inspiration finds us working.

So yes to be honest somedays I just don’t want to, but 90% of the time I show up anyway. Because the reality is, I end up really needing that time and also remember it’s my soul food. So what do you do when you aren’t feeling it?

Come watch me create these in the video below.

Well one of my go to is to grab my small gelli plate and just play. Let’s face it most of the time I don’t have a ton of workspace and the small gelli plate just makes since, just make some random backgrounds, stamp in your journal or even do a few tags.

I’d love for you to comment what is your go to when you just aren’t feeling it?

So for today’s video I am letting you come hangout as I just play with a few tags and explore patterns.