Whispers to my younger self

Starting 2024 with looking back…. as I get older I reminisce more and more. The thought of what I would tell my younger self if I could, like a whisper a ripple in the lake. It would be several things so I will just brain dump a few here.

Tiffany you are not meant to fit in… your gift is to shine and be a light for others to stand out and be bold. Don’t allow others to dull your shine. I know you have cried often about you not fitting in… its your secret power. Give yourself grace.

Young Tiff you are a gifted artist, yeah I know girl you thought all those years you didn’t have talents and you compared yourself to so many… lean in and let me whisper to you. YOU DO!! They are hidden below the surface of fear and pain of not being good enough. You are magical and in due time it will surface. Be gentle with yourself little one.

Life is going to be tough but you have grit, you are the most determined person I know. You are a fucking workhorse, this is going to serve you well. Don’t allow other people to make you feel bad for putting in the work to reach your goals. Yes, you will lose some people that you love along the way but trust in yourself. Your people are going to find you… yes the magic of this thing called the internet is going to allow you to find your own tribe. I know it’s crazy but just be authentic to who you are and they are gonna love you.

Love deep, hold onto to those who stand along side and encourage you. There will be people who are going to be your biggest cheerleaders. You are going to meet the most amazing man who you will marry. He will be your strength you didn’t know you needed, he is going to love you fiercely.